How to disable copying data to USB drive from your PC and prevent data theft

Now a days, Data theft is increasing day by day,. If you are using an office computer and don't want anyone to copy any file or data from your computer other than you, into a removable USB drive, you can use this tool.

USB Disabler  is a small portable tool which helps you to control USB drive functionality on your computer. You just need to unzip it and start using it.

It offers 3 options for USB drive :
1. Disable - No reading or No writing in USB drive, Unable to copy any data from your computer, 100 % secure. 
2. Read-Only - In this mode, data from USB drive can be read but data transfer between USB and computer.
3. Normal - All USB functions are enabled including copying between USB drive and computer.
It is of just 900 KB in size. Download it from here.
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