The Tata docomo 3G tariff plans and other offers will be announced after this introductory unlimited offer but it expected to some what like bsnl 3g plans like 1500 for unlimited 3G . With 3G, users can access high speed internet and HD video steaming in their mobile devices. They can also make high quality video and audio calls to other 3G enabled handsets. The speed of the 3G and facilities varies with the handset used and service area.
Docomo has 3G license in Kerala, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Goa, Rajasthan, Chattisgarh (Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka. If you are a Tata Docomo customer, here are the APN settings for Docomo 3G and way to configure that in your Nokia, iPhone, Android, Windows mobile smartphones.
- Tata Docomo 3G settings for Apple iPhone 4, iPhone 3G and iPhone 3G S:
Select Enable 3G, click on the cellular data network and enter APN as TATA.DOCOMO.INTERNET and save.
- Tata Docomo 3G settings in Nokia phones:
- Android and Windows mobile phones:
If you are not sure how to do this configuration, SMS 3GLife to 53333. Follow the simple instructions from Tata Docomo and jump into the 3GLife.
or , For users in North India sms "INTERNET" to 52270 to get Tata Docomo 3G settings.