New offers for mobile number portabilty (mnp) customers by Tata Docomo

MNP war begins, Tata Docomo offers "more than full value" plans for the customers switching over to tata docomo using MNP.

Default Offer on switching to Tata DOCOMO:

  • Local On-Net calls at 1p/6sec.
  • 100 MB data free per month for 6 months.

More than Full Talk Time Recharges

MRP (Rs.) Core Talktime Benefit
100 100
200 220
300 350
400 500
End of Table

3G Offers

A. Packs

MRP (Rs.) Local/STD mins Bundled Data
350 500 350 MB
500 750 650 MB
750 1250 1 GB
1000 2000 1.5 GB
2000 5000 3 GB
End of Table

B. Free Data

Credited every month provided you have a 3G device and are in 3G network presence town.
Speed: Tata DOCOMO has network capability of providing a maximum speed of 21.1 Mbps, depending on the 3G device customer is using.
The above offers will be valid for 6 months for all customers switching to Tata DOCOMO till 31st Dec' 10.
Ravinder Verma

I'm a little crazy. I'm pretty smart for someone who's never been to college. I love music. I love to travel. I love to Friend.I'm passionate about computers. I'm fun, friendly, and a all around good guy. Just dont get on my bad side. lol.......... Read my blog....dnt forget to comment either good or bad about my blog... I'm a doing graduation now a days. in case of any computer problem or anything you want to ask me just e-mail me at Thanks!!!

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